Thursday, June 30, 2016

What is it?

It is sour and they are quite bumpy. They taste like gummy bears only with salt and sugar because that is the way they are made. They are yummy and they look like gummy bears. Your face makes all kind of funny faces when you eat them. By Alex

Seoyeon's Photo on Friday, 1 July 2016

Easy Blog Photo

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Rona and Marama

Rona was being bossy to her husband because she told him to do everything she wanted. One day Rona told her husband to get a fish. Rona fell asleep in the morning and she woke up at night time. Rona was very thirsty. She didn’t see her husband so she went by herself to the river. A cloud came over Marama and Rona tripped over a tree. When she woke up from tripping over she called Marama an old cooked head but…. Marama was angry and he went down from the sky to the ground and took Rona away. Rona held on to the tree but Marama was too strong. Marama went back to the sky and the tree broke. Rona told Marama “Put me down,” but Marama said “No.” Then her husband arrived. He didn’t see his wife. He looked for her everywhere and when he looked in the sky he saw her and that’s why in a full moon you can see Rona. When people are angry they remember Rona’s mistake. A retell of Rona and Marama by Florida

Rona and the Moon

Rona was very bossy to her husband. She told him to catch a fish to eat. While her husband was getting a fish Rona fell asleep. When she woke up it was night time and her drink bottle was empty. She went to the river. The cloud covered the moon and Rona fell over. Rona called the moon an “Old Cooked Head.” The moon was very angry at Rona. The moon pulled Rona up. Rona held on to a tree but the moon was too strong. Rona said “Put me down!” The moon said “No.” Her husband came back. Her husband looked for Rona everywhere. So remember Rona’s mistake. You can still see Rona when it is a full moon. Look for her shadow. A retell of Rona and the Moon by Lucy V

Monday, June 13, 2016

Carter's Story

Maui and his brothers were doing their chores. The sun was going too fast. Maui had an idea. He was going to catch the sun. One of his brothers said "You can't do that because you might break the sun." Maui said "If we all work together we could do it." "OK" said his brothers, "Let's go." They looked for flax. When they found some Maui taught them how to make ropes. After that they had a big walk that took 5 days. They found the sun. Maui hit the sun with his magic jawbone that his Grandad gave him. The sun went slow across the sky because Maui and his brothers thought the sun was too fast and it was. A retell of Maui and the Sun By Carter

Summyr-Rose's story

Maui and his brothers couldn't do their chores because the sun was going too fast. Maui wanted the sun to go slower. Maui taught the brothers how to make ropes out of grass and leaves. Maui and his brothers went to the sun's cave so Maui could hit the sun with his magic jaw bone from his Grandad. Then the sun was weak and it moved a little bit slower. A retell of Maui and the Sun By Summyr-Rose